Album Review: No Deceit Delivers The ‘Burn’ On August 5th!
Music is the closest thing we have in our lives to time travel. Music can take you right back to your first kiss. Your first loss. The good. The bad. The beautiful. The ugly. It can paint vivid mental imagery, and it can transport you to wherever the artists want to take you.
Today, I present to you a perfect example of when that happens. The brand new EP from No Deceit, titled ‘Burn’, delivers an experience that has been forged in love and life. No Deceit provides the ticket and the ride, all you need to do is strap in and enjoy.
From the opening chords of “Fireflies,” you’ll feel as if you’re sitting around with the band at a campfire. Just shooting the $h!t, reminiscing, enjoying a cold beverage, watching nature’s light show provided by the fireflies. You are transported there immediately and you won’t want to leave. Wrapped in warm melodies, “Fireflies,” sets the course for your summer soundtrack.
No Deceit – Fireflies (Official Lyric Video):
No Deceit is a band that has been on my radar for quite some time. Songs from their first EP “Bar Band” have been featured on several Capture Kentucky Spotify playlists. Then, it happened. We had a small get-together around Christmas at Country Boy Brewing in Georgetown back in 2019. That night, No Deceit made the trip from Western Kentucky and absolutely blew the roof off of the joint. That night, they played a brand new song they’d been working on in the studio. That song? “Burn.” When they began performing this song, my musical spidey-sense went off like a bomb, covering me in goosebumps from head to toe and standing every hair on my neck on their ends. It was magical, and I ain’t kiddin’ ya!! Actually, you can see that performance as well!
That moment solidified No Deceit as a must-see and a band that I had to find a way to shine some more light upon. We’re finally post-covid and that opportunity has presented itself. On August 5th, the world will finally get to experience ‘Burn’ in all its glory and I’m as giddy as a four-year-old in a candy factory about that. So let’s get into why this band and music matter!
Produced at Monocle Studios in Sulphur Wells, Kentucky with Black Stone Cherry alum Jon Lawhon at the helm, ‘Burn’ is poised to open many doors for No Deceit. You’ll even find Black Stone Cherry vocalist Chris Robertson providing the drums on this EP. Vocalist Allison Stafford, guitarist Michael Bradshaw, and bassist Eric Scott complete the lineup on ‘Burn.’ With additional contributions from Marc Owens and Alex Lindsey.
As for the song “Burn,” it is an unquestionable hit, but it’s the aforementioned experience that will keep you coming back to this EP. I’m simply going to let the first couple of verses of “Burn” illustrate what I mean about No Deceit placing you right where they want you. Check these out and then give “Burn” a spin afterward.
I’m riding in the front seat
Windows rolled down
Three A.M. just cruising this town
You’re right beside me
Burning ashes in the night
Tanya Tucker on the radio
You’re blowing smoke out the window
And I love the way you look in this light
Those are compelling, but when you get hit with the massive hook awaiting you on the turnaround, you fall madly in love before you even know what hit ya. In fact, that may be the secret weapon of No Deceit. They draw ya in nice and tight with a great story, then they hit you with something so beautiful you feel attacked, but in the most beautiful way possible.
No Deceit – Burn (Official Video):
As the band continues to set the scene and mood with “Lake Day,” you realize that they’ve done it to you again and all you can do is enjoy. When I mentioned this EP would be the soundtrack to Summer, this song is exactly what I meant. Gimme a boat dock, flip-flops, a cold drink, and a “Lake Day.” Things will be just fine once we’re cruising along enjoying the sun and breeze with this one. Honestly, “Lake Day” is kinda like a Bud Light. You didn’t know you needed it until it was chilling in your hand, then all of a sudden, everybody has a Bud Light in their hands and the party has just begun!
No Deceit – Lake Day (Acoustic Performance):
No Deceit is actually a difficult band to describe. They’re Country in their foundation, they’re soaked in Southern Rock, and they ooze pop sensibilities, but in all honesty, No Deceit is simply No Deceit, and the last two tracks on ‘Burn’ prove my point perfectly.
“Oh Mamma” will immediately give you the edge and feel of Southern Rock, but with haunting melodies, classic soloing, a progressive structure and a poignant delivery of a story that has more depth than many artists can ever even dream of writing. For me, “Oh Mamma” is the most important song on this EP. Why? Because you get the perfect example of what No Deceit is capable of. There aren’t many artists that can deliver what No Deceit has delivered in just four songs. With this one, vocalist Allison Stafford has elevated No Deceit beyond their known capabilities. Moving forward, this band has proven to themselves who they are and they now understand just how high the bar has been set for themselves. This is a pivotal moment in the history of No Deceit. You can underline that in red and we’ll revisit it at a later date.
Rounding out this collection of awesomeness is “Shame.” A slower ballad that also elevates the bands songwriting to even greater heights. The intimacy of looking inward with the lyrics of someone full of shame, or the cause of shame is extremely powerful and there’s a reason that it doesn’t happen often. It hurts, and it’s incredibly intimidating to bare your soul. That’s why so many attempts fall short of their desired impact. Fully committing to and actually pulling off being emotionally naked on stage is as frightening as it sounds. Yet, that’s exactly where we find ourselves ending this collection of songs, and I don’t think there’s a more suitable way to end this journey. Kudos to the band. Kudos, indeed.
So, after sharing the stage with artists like Trick Pony, The Kentucky Headhunters, Wynonna Judd, and Muscadine Bloodline, No Deceit has stepped into their own spotlight with this release. This EP, ‘Burn,’ is a collection of varying styles that give insight into who the band is, but more importantly, a look at what the band is capable of doing.
Hope you enjoy this one. If ya do, come on back to the site, there’s plenty more awesomeness in our Commonwealth to share.
Love y’all!